Explore the ideas that can change tomorrow, by teaching us how to better organize today.

As members of organizations we are all architects, with ever-changing roles and goals. As members of humanity we continuously seek new and better ways to organize.
Daily activities
These Five Perspectives might help solve the problems your organization hasn’t uncovered yet
Design Thinking
Translate the capabilities of teams and individuals into insightful and innovative customer impact & customer value.
Systems Thinking
Align the value created by organization’s process and workflows rules and incentives towards a compatible culture.
Perspectival Thinking
See the entire organization as a nested ecosystem of teams and individuals with mirroring needs and activities.
Contextual Thinking
Everything an individual produces in an organization, is “consumed” by someone else. The Internal product connects the needs and values of the internal customer.
Network Thinking
From culture to informal networks, explore the value created between organizational groups and people.
The Arc of Influence
Societies create organizations to fulfill their needs. Any org misaligned with a changing society will fail to thrive without understanding how it must change.